Minggu, 23 Juli 2017

Why Life Feels Impossible Recently

Posted by Unknown at 16.43 2 comments
Bahah It seems like I'm a pessimistic bitch (It's an absolute fact about me not "seems" haha). My anxiety becomes more and more unbearable recently, like I can't be positive at all about my life and all I wanna do is quit and bring my comfort zone back.

A lot of my friends and family advise me to hang in there a bit longer. But all I can say, every time I thought I finally understood how this accounting software works, I was wrong!
I have made some mistakes for like 3 times already in my 6 days at work. *Kill me*
3 or 4 times? 
Okay these all I can remember atm:
1. Wrong date input 
2. Wrong amount input 
3. Release invoice without checking the customer's balance, turned out that customer had not fully paid its bill yet! (Kill me kill me!) 
4. Something that wasn't my fault but had to take a responsibility for it.

Okay, 4 times in a week. 

I even messaged my junior (A finance student) and my seniors in my former office where I was doing an internship about my current job. I asked them a lot about accounting stuff, like what does this mean, why is it like this, like that, how to know this, that, BLA BLA BLA. That makes me look so stupid, I kept saying I had been studying economics for 7 years: This is the result.

Luckily my senior didn't say "Ask another employee in your office instead". I would be dead embarrassed if she said that.
I could ask other employees in my office, but I didn't want to. Since I'm not close to any of them yet. That just makes me feel awkward asking them more and more knowing I have made mistakes even after I asked them how things work. They might have decided to fire me after 2 months, or sooner.
SOOOOO Pessimist. How to kill my negative thoughts?

Minggu, 16 Juli 2017

It's Been Only Three Days

Posted by Unknown at 22.16 0 comments

It's been only three days.
But it feels like WTF, already. I know it will sounds like excuses, but,
I kinda have love-hate relationship with the whole economics thing.
I hate finance.
I hate quantity data--that's why I chose SWOT as my thesis, because I enjoy working with qualitative data which I can share my thoughts through writing.
I hate formulas, I hate math.
That's not my passion at all.

A lot of excuses.

I still remember the manager asked me, "What would you do if you were stress at work? In case there will be so much pressure when you're working here"
And I was gladly and confidently answered him, "Remember why I choose this job and what I want to achieve in the future" *Something like that.
Now I will gladly say to myself that I was a big LIAR during the interview LOL (Aren't we all?)
I don't know if I can do well.
I don't know if I want to.
Accounting was the only thing I had always tried to avoid when I was in high school (The funny thing is I was an accounting student in high school haha).
I was happier studying business management in University because I didn't study accounting much like I was in high school, although I had to study finance which I'm not fond of.

Some people told me to give up, some of them advise me to fight a bit longer and beat my anxiety. But I still don't understand with the whole accounting software thing at my office. Every time I thought I finally understood, I was wrong. And I don't know what I can do tomorrow without my mentor (Former internship accountant at my office). GAHH.. Life is just too cruel to my weak stupid heart and mind.

Can I stay a bit longer and finally enjoy working there?
Can I even be friends with all the employees there? They are so individualist.

Selasa, 11 Juli 2017

So.. Today Was...

Posted by Unknown at 22.48 0 comments
A very shocking day for me. Lol 
I got a call from company I was having interviewed with. 
They said if possible, I should start working from tomorrow. And I was like, "what???" 

It's the first time I get an internship job when I don't really want to get that job. You know what I mean? 
I didn't expect I would get this job. I didn't try so hard during the test and interview. And I remember I couldn't give a clear answer when they asked me about my pluses and minuses. 
I'm not even good at accounting and finance. 

Is it even a good thing for me? I'm gonna be working from tomorrow till October (I think). 
What will happen to my uni? 
I still have a course to attend,
A workshop to do, 
An aptitude test to finish,
Working on thesis before the final test. 

Can I even be organized with all those things while I'm full-time working? 

Ya ya ya... I'm the type of girl who worries about a lot of stuff before they even happen.
Can't help it, that's just the way I am 😂

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