Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Is It Worth It?

Posted by Unknown at 01.22 0 comments
Oh God, this stupid thing that comes to my mind over and over, when confidence turns into doubt.
When our faith is about to fade away.

I'm just gonna take some water and then stay awake up all night to prayer right now. I hope that when everything isn't going so well, there'll be God who leads me to do something right. Please, God, I don't like being faithless.
I just want to make a life more better, is it worth it?

Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

I Would At Least Know I Tried

Posted by Unknown at 05.05 0 comments
I might have missed my chance.
But I would at least know I tried.
I'm trying not to confuse sadness with regret, I understand that perhaps I had a choice in the matter;
or perhaps I believe in fate; that possibly could kill me..

I've learned this, at least, by my experiment:
I know that I've wasted all these years looking and holding on for something, a sort of trophy I'd get only if I really, really did enough to deserve it.

But I don't want it anymore,

I simply cannot continue on the same path and fall down a thousand times with the same reason.
Life is a world full of risk taking and possibilities,
What would I have to stick on something I know it wouldn't ever belong to me...
There is nothing left,

Broken apart by all the “I don't want to ever remember” years
So many things broke my heart, not so many came to mend it 
But in the end,
I will always be "The Tough Girl".

And if one day someone ask me, "Why wouldn't you try again?",
"I would at least know I tried,"
"I have moved on."

Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

Dare To Be..

Posted by Unknown at 22.38 0 comments
Dare to Be..

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.

When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.

When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.

When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.

When times are tough, dare to be tougher.

When love hurts you, dare to love again.

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.

When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.

Dare to be the best you can –

At all times, Dare to be!

Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Indomie Kuah Susu.... FAIL

Posted by Unknown at 16.24 0 comments
Banyak banget kayaknya yang udah nyoba ini makanan, sampe temen gue pernah pasang dp bbm mie kuah susu buatannya sendiri di kostan, dan gue, "Ohemji, seriusan?"
Terus gue buka kaskus dan bacain yang lagi jadi Hot Thread, dan ada yang bikin tentang resep mie buat anak kostan. Begitu gue baca semuanya ternyata ada juga loh resep Indomie kuah susu. Is that really tasty?

Dan karena udah penasaran sampe kebawa laper (emang pada dasarnya udah kelaperan dari pagi belom makan), mumpung hari ini gue lagi ada di rumah, jadi gue buru-buru ke dapur dan nyari bahan buat bikin sih mie kuah susu ini.
Ah seperti biasa, susunya enggak ada. 
Akhirnya gue pergi ke warung dan nyari susu seadanya, yang penting murni (?). Karena susu Ultra yang apa itu yang gak manis gak ada, terpaksa gue beli yang susu kental manis dengan bayangan kalo gue bakal ngasih air banyak sehingga manisnya ilang.
Mulai rebus mienya dan masukin telor, lalu potongin ayam sama daun bawang. Pokoknya pake bahan yang ada di kulkas aja. Begitu mienya udah lembek (haha), mulai masukin susunya yang udah dikasih air dan manisnya udah lumayan gak ada.
Begitu mendidih mulai deh masukin semua bahannya, mulai dari mie, ayam, bumbunya, daun bawang, sedikit garam (biar agak asin).
Warnya kuahnya enggak putih bersih, bener kan ya? Karena udah kecampur bumbu dan segala macem. Begitu kira kira udah siap buat dimakan, gue langsung hidangin di mangkok.

Pas dirasain kok manis ya -__-
padahal udah gak manis loh tadi airnya banyak. Okelah
Ambil nasi, air putih, dan menuju ke ruang tamu, nyalain tv dan mulai makan dengan semangat.
Awal dirasain.... oke lama lama enak.
Dirasain lagi.... oke ini enak karena kelaperan atau karena emang enak?
Dirasain lagi..... It's like drinking a milk while mouth full of noodle, the taste is so strange. Yiaayk~
Dirasain lagi.... hmm gak tau ah, mau abisin terus langsung cuci piringnya.


FYI, gue emang pada dasarnya gak begitu suka susu. Kecuali kalo lagi pengen aja, itu juga pokoknya itungan pengen susu aja bisa berapa bulan sekali. (bener bener susu murni loh, bukan yang udah jadi makanan atau minuman lain). Like what I said, the taste is so weird, strange and so uniqe. But not that kind of food I'd like to be my daily food in Depok later. No
Gue mending bikin Pajeon daripada mie kuah susu loh -___-
That's my opinion though. 

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

What I Think, What I Do.

Posted by Unknown at 23.24 0 comments
It's always nice to blog everything I want here. I mean this is my world, I shout everything in here. About life, love-life, friends, hobbies, my thoughts, and everything I need to tell. I don't really care if some people will judge me and say, "Oh my God, you're so freak, keep telling something not really good and it's like a shit". But I always kind of hoping that some people will love to read all the stories I created just because it's fun and I tell everything informative and... I don't know, it's just nice to read this blog, I guess.

Glad to back home. Sometimes I feel bored in Depok, except my lovely room (if you read my story about designing my room) and I do all the things I want without afraid of my mom will call me and bother me all the time. Lol
My daily activities in Depok after class over is back to my "second home".
And if I get bored listening to music, I will put my guitar, I mean it's my friend's guitar, he let his guitar stay with me for awhile (thank you {}{}{}), and I play a couple songs, sing it perfectly like I'm a pro but still, with lower voice or I will get my window broken with a lot of glasses hitting my window. Haha

Stop about my activities in Depok.

I really like to tell everything in here till I tell a lot of things that is not really important to be told, gosh. Lol
I play guitar, and sing, and paint as well. Don't know what else could be so much fun except those things. Oh yeah, my "sacred" thing to do right now, it's really really important is learning to talk like british, I mean the accent.
Is it because of you are a fan of 1D?
Yes, no. Not really. Before 1D exist as the greatest boyband in the world (haha), I like talking with british accent, Harry Potter made me like that. I started to learn about UK, about the culture, and the accent, I started to love UK. Sometimes I always asking to God why I was born in this place for god sake, not in some great place with great life.
Ah, games! yes I love to play a lot of games. Mostly horror games. My friend ever told me, "Oh my God, Eny, you're a girl but your games is a hardcore games. Why don't you play some barbie stuff? lol" that's a boy told me like that. I have a several fps games, like COD, Medal Of Honor, and some horror games, and the rest is mini games. You know when you're watching an action movie where there is a girl who could use gun and it's like, "Oh my God, she's really cool". And because I'm not able to use any gun is real life, and I have no gun except my brother, I will never be able to kill anything like in the movies, lol, so I'm playing those action games which can make me feel like I'm a hero. Lol what a shit.

Jumat, 09 Mei 2014

Positive Thoughts

Posted by Unknown at 17.42 0 comments
Gue ada dosen Ekonomi Makro, (namanya lupa) dia itu dari umur sih kayaknya masih di sekitar 27-28 an masih mudaaaa dikit lah. Dari kemudaannya mungkin jadi gaya dia ngajar, gayanya disiplin tapi santai. Mirip kayak dosen Dasar Pemasaran dulu di smt 1, biarpun dia galak, tegas, disiplin tapi seru.

Hari ini dia gak banyak ngasih materi, dateng sih paling ngasih motivasi buat mahasiswanya, dan motivasinya sih sebenernya kalo dibanding sama dosen lain ini agak melenceng: yang sebenernya "Bener" juga.

Hari ini dia ngasih tau kita untuk nonton film The Secret. Hehe sayangnya gue udah tau dari kapan tau tentang isi dari film itu, jadi pas doi lagi ngejesalin isi dari film itu yang harus kita pakai di kehidupan sehari hari; kalo anak lain masih agak paham gak paham (liat dari raut wajahnya sih kayak cengok gitu wkwk piss {}) gue udah tau sedikit sih isi dari film itu, berasal dari mana, orang yang buat siapa, pro kontra nya apa juga.
Tapi terlepas dari kontranya (baca aja di gugel), positifnya banyak--tinggal dipake dengan sejalan sama Islam. Yaitu salah satunya dan yang paling dasar sih itu kekuatan pikiran. Bener kata dosen tadi, dan dia tiap masuk emang selalu banget ngomong tentang kekuatan pikiran. Kekuatan pikiran tadi itu Positive Thought alias berpikir yang positif. Bener juga ya, kita itu selalu bikin statement "Gue gak mau telat, jangan sampe telat masuk kuliah, jangan dateng dosennya" Eh, tau taunya kita telat ngampus atau dosennya masuk dan ngasih tugas bahkan kuis. Lol
Gue biasanya (dan udah terbiasa) untuk ngilangin kata "Tidak, Jangan" dan yang mirip itu yang mengandung kalimat negatif yang kalo kata orang bahwa otak kita itu gak mencerna kalimat negatif. Kalo kita bilang ke anak kecil, "Jangan main di sawah" eh, anak kecilnya malah main disawah. Contoh kecilnya gitu. Jadi gue kalo make a wish (asik bahasanya) misal gak pengen dosennya masuk hari ini, gue bikin statement "Dosennya lagi sibuk bikin soal uts", dan biarin state itu ilang sendiri, serahin ke Allah mau dikabulin atau enggak, kan emang pelajaran di The Secret juga itu yakin aja sama apa yang kita mau dan gak usah bingung caranya gimana, kapan, dll, yakin Allah itu pasti ngabulin dengan caranya sendiri. Begitu andai kata dosennya masuk, ternyata gak ada tugas atau gak ada kuis, bahkan masuk cuma naroh absen aja. That's a life, girls.

Gue suka sama pembawaan bicara dosen itu, dia itu yakin banget sama apa yang dia bilang, dan semua motivasinya itu kalo gue nilai gak jauh dari apa yang gue denger dan tau, misal tentang The Secret, tentang Law Of Attraction, Brainwaves dan kekuatan pikiran lainnya. Gue mikir kalo doi aja bisa lakuin dan percaya, kenapa gue enggak gitu. Hihi
Karena dapet motivasi yang lumayan ngebangun tadi pagi, gue pasti yakin kalo dia akan bilang untuk percaya sama apa yang dipingin meskipun kalo secara logika itu hampir 79% mustahil. Jadi gue bikin statement ke diri gue sendiri, kalo gue akan kerja dan tinggal di Inggris 6 tahun mendatang diitung dari sekarang, dan nikah sama **********. Lol
Gak peduli gimana hasilnya, gimana caranya, apa yang harus diperbuat, kalo katanya itu "And out of nowhere a way will be made". Sounds stupid, I know. That's my wish, my dream, no one can stop me. Serahkan semua sama Allah.

Berpikir positif itu enak sebenernya, kita ngerasain bahagia, percaya diri, semangat. Dibanding kalo pikiran kita lagi banyak negatifnya. Pasti muka kita udah kayak baju yg 2 minggu gak diangkat dari ranjang pakaian. Kusut, kumel, gak cerah. Dan makin kita berpikir negatif, outputnya adalah kita makin ngerasain sial, makin negatif. Kok gue begini, kok gue begitu, kok gue gak kayak dia, kok itu orang begitu.
(padahal beberapa waktu lalu gue lagi banyak ngeluh, penyakit galau, penyakit anak alay. Sekarang udah gini. Lol -__-).

Let's start this positive thoughts every day from now on. ZZAAAP!

Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

Away For A Moment

Posted by Unknown at 02.06 0 comments
What's the words to say "away for a moment" exactly? 'cause I dont mean that "away" actually. I'm not away..yet. Maybe some kind of "pause" *if you know what I mean*

Pernah gak ngejalanin suatu "state" dimana lo gak lagi bergairah untuk ngelakuin apa-apa kecuali diem di kamar? Maksudnya gini, lo gak tertarik untuk mempublikasikan sesuatu agar orang tau lo lagi ngapain. That's kind of alay, I know. But, hey, that's a life, man. Itulah yang terjadi di kehidupan sekarang ini, apa apa selalu berhubungan dengan Twitter, Path, Ask.fm, dan sebagai macamnya. Dulu gue adalah orang yang gak jauh sama hal semacam itu, sekarang sih masih, cuma entah kenapa beberapa waktu kebelakang ini gue jadi gak bergairah untuk sekedar update "Hai" atau update sesuatu cuma untuk nambah tweet atau moment. Palingan update musik yang lagi didenger. Itu juga gak sepenuhnya lagi dengerin lagu, cuma pengen aja nongol di timeline. What a pity -__-

Sebenernya ada beberapa alasan,
1. Sinyal di kostan sungguh bapuk,
2. Some kind of mind-problem,
3. Bener-bener gak niat.
Alasan terbesar sih jelas nomor 1, tapi sebenernya udah bisa teratasi. Tapi ya gitu lah, alasan 2 dan 3 itu pretty involved for what I'm experiencing right now. Biasanya ketika buka twitter dan mau sekedar update sesuatu, tiba tiba otak langsung ngomong, "ngapain coba?!" dan seketika niat untuk update hilang. Fyuhh
Lalu berganti dengan bad thoughts : buat apa update sesuatu gak penting, buat apa menuhin TL, buat apa ngebuka privasi di publik, pengen cari perhatian, jawab sesuatu yang sebenernya agak privasi tapi malah seneng dan dilakuin. Dan itu bikin gue kesel, gak tau kenapa. Pathetic.

Yang gue lakuin sekarang ini paling nonton film, browsing, streaming, dan diem di kamar sambil dengerin lagu berulang kali. Oh iya, main gitarnya Hanif mumpung gitarnya ada di kostan *Thank youu Hanif, you're my lovely bestttt besttt dude eva*

There's a hole in this life, I mean heart. But I'm not so sure that's for real or just a stupid thing. Something is missing; which is good actually (If I can see the point of all), but instead of feeling happy, I'm feeling like a missing person. Good thing will never accepted at the first time easily, right? itulah manusia. Mungkin itu penyebabnya kenapa gak bergairah untuk melakukan sesuatu, padahal ketika diluar sana.. I'm a happy-go-lucky girl. Dan sebenernya ketika di luar sana memang gue seneng. Tapi ketika di kamar, atau lagi sendiri.. selalu aja ada sesuatu yang bikin gak enak. Life is hard.
Jadi point nomor 2, itu benar adanya.

Ada lagi yang gue rajin lakuin sekarang sekarang ini, dan bagi gue hal itu termasuk yang bikin gue tenang. Sholat hajat.
Seharusnya memang rajin sholat hajat. Tapi kalo dulu gak ada hajat penting, gue biasanya cuma sekali kali aja. Tapi sekarang ini, gue lagi rajin, dan menjadi kebiasan (sepertinya). Apalagi kalo inget kutipan bahwa Allah menyukai yang sedikit "dilakukan" tapi istiqomah. Itu yang gue lakuin, dan seketika gue tenang kalo udah sholat, dengan sedikit imajinasi bahwa Allah akan senyum dan bilang kalo "Bagus, Eny.. Semua bakal baik baik aja, dan permintaan kamu itu pasti terkabul asal kamu rajin meminta".
Kata mas Rony, "Allah itu gak pelit, Allah seneng dimintain. Berdoa terus, kalo ada hajat, minta sama Allah. Pasti dikabulin". Kira kira kayak gitu.

I just don't really know what to do right now, I feel lost, empty, and random.

Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

Movie Synopsis : The Terminal

Posted by Unknown at 07.37 0 comments
Tittle : The Terminal
Directed By : Steven Spielberg
Year Of Making : 18 June 2004
Genre : Comedy, Romantic, Drama

Synopsis :
      The Terminal is a movie about a man who must be trapped inside an international airport John F. Kennedy in a considerable period of time. In this film, we are told exactly how the regulation of the domestic airport of The US, which eventually led to that man who stuck in there must survive by relying on a lot of ways.
His name is Viktor Navorski (Tom Hanks). He comes from a fictional country from eastern part of Europe being hit by a big battle at the time he had just arrived at the airport. And because of the war in his country, his passport is rejected and he is considered to have no country. Inevitably, Viktor who does not know anything and just carrying a bag and a suitcase containing clothes and a little strange cans, required by the head of security for a while to get settled when he should come out.
Problems encountered Viktor is in fact not only that, they have to be resigned to the situation where he could not speak English quite fluently and understand the words of every person in the airport. And unfortunately, he also ran out of money which led him into a famine.
Then the "Gate 67", one of the neglected room in the airport eventually became a Viktor's place to rest each night. He also made benches former as his bed room and public toilets as his bathroom.

All of this is actually caused by a man named Frank Dixon, who in the airport served as director of service and safety limits. That should help anyone with problems with immigration, but instead complicates the nature of non-tolerance and uncaring with Viktor's problems recently.
But it does not make Viktor complain. He keep trying to survive with a variety of opportunities that exist
Until one day all kinds of support from unique events-present without he even imagine. Such as the emergence of three people who work at the airport and decided to become his friend, even treat it like a family; and several contractors who accidentally saw Viktor's great work he made for fun, until he was hired by the contractor so he can earn money; And an incident in which Viktor became as a hero who made his name became the subject of conversation all the workers at the airport.
Not only that, Viktor has a romantic love story in the airport. A beautiful flight attendant named Amelia Warren (Catherine Zeta-Jones), who always comes at the airport every two times a month, has made himself fall in love. So that makes him continue to look for ways to meet and chat with him for two days every month.
But unfortunately, this love story end with a sad ending. On the day that should have been a very encouraging day for Viktor, because the country is finally free from war, instead turned out to be a disappointing day for him as well. Amelia revealed that she returns to her boyfriend while providing a true story of what the story is given a figure of Napoleon to his lover, Josephine at weddings. That is a gold necklace, in which engraved a word that means "destiny". Yes, Amelia decided to prefer his lover as his destiny.
on that day too, he should be able to go freely to the City of New York to carry out the purpose for coming, but still inhibited by all selfishness Frank who already hate him to force him to go back to his home-country. Even until he threatened to make his three new friends were sent to jail by their mistakes. As a result, Viktor gratify the desires of Franks.
But fortunately, a thing about to happen when Viktor leave the airport. Suddenly one of his friends, Rajan Gupta, run onto the pitch plane and daring dealing with ongoing aircraft, which is supposed to be ridden by Viktor. All wis done in order to stop the aircraft, causing the flight to be delayed. And when his friend Viktor see recklessness, even until he was arrested by the police, Viktor decided to go to New York happily.
In the final seconds when Viktor is still inside the airport, all the workers and officials trooped to accompany him to the exit, and finally he could feel the air of freedom, accompanied by snow-white is falling and floating.
End of story, Viktor's Objective is achieved, getting signature from Benny Golson who is a homage to Jazz music player to be able to complete the collection of his late father that everything is stored in the odd can which he bring lately. After that, he decided to climb a taxi and go home, carrying a very interesting experience.

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